The 2nd Lund Spring Symposium

Enabling Novel Therapeutic Principles
May 20-22, 2025

The 2nd Lund Spring Symposium

Enabling Novel Therapeutic Principles May 21-23, 2025

Welcome from the Symposium Chair

Lund Spring Symposium, May 20-22, 2025, will present state-of-the-art research centered around molecular therapeutics ranging from basic research to clinical applications.

The ambition is to raise the profile of Pharmacology as a cross-functional discipline in the 21st Century and to provide a forum to facilitate collaborations across academia and industry.

We are extremely pleased to have many scientific beacons who will be honored at this occasion. Moreover, several other high profile international and local researchers will deliver front-line research presentations. A common denominator across all presenters is their inspirational and transforming research that is providing the basis for a number of therapeutic applications.

This gathering will be an exclusive opportunity for scientists and entrepreneurs to broaden their horizons of cutting-edge science and to be an engaging and interactive forum.

On behalf of the Organizers and the Program Committee, we warmly welcome you to Lund.

Lars Grundemar
Symposium Chair

Lund Spring Symposium 2025

Given the overwhelming positive feedback from the inaugural symposium 2023 we intend to arrange a symposium biannually

The next meeting will be  May 20-22-2025 at Palaestra et Odeum, Lund University main campus

We will invite global and local leaders in breakthrough medical research and accomplished lifescience entrepreneurs

Standing Symposium objectives:

Put Lund and Lund Unversity on the global map for frontline new medical therapies

Unique cross-functional forum with frontline lifescience scientists and entrepreneurs to share cutting edge research with emerging breakthrough medicines

Recognize and celebrate major achievements in discovery of novel therapeutic principles

Opportunities for networking