Lund Spring Symposium 2023
The inagural Lund Spring Symposium 2023 was a great success
Erik Renström, Vice-Chancellor of Lund University, Sweden
”Congratulations on a great symposium that turned out absolutely fantastic!”
Sarah Tabrizi, Awardee, University College London, UK
“I want to say thank you so much for such an AMAZING meeting – one of the best I have ever been to. Thank you so much for inviting me, I was very honoured.”
Kristina Åkesson, Faculty of Medicine – Dean of Lund University, Sweden
”Just want to thank you and congratulate you on the fantastic symposium. It was truly impressive but above all, inspiring.”
Bob Langer Awardee, Founder of Moderna, USA
”Thank you so much. It was wonderful. You and your colleagues did a magnificent job. I would be happy to consider returning. Congratulations on a terrific meeting.”
Thoas Fioretos, Speaker and Founder of Cantargia AB, Sweden
”A very big thank you for an absolutely fantastic symposium! You really set the bar for what a top-notch and enjoyable meeting can look like, even in Lund.”
Dan Larhammar, Former chair Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, Uppsala University, Sweden
”First and foremost, once again, thank you for a brilliant symposium!”