The Royal Physiographic Society, founded in 1772, is one of the country's oldest scientific academies, focusing on natural sciences, medicine and technology. The society's main task is to support scientific research, i.a. a. by actively participating in the organization of scientific symposia. Contributing to this symposium, which is of high scientific relevance, is thus completely in line with the Society's objectives.
Mats Paulsson's foundation for research, innovation and community building was established in 2011 through a private donation from Mats Paulsson, one of the founders of the construction company Peab. This was decisive for the establishment of the Medicon Village research park and the takeover of AstraZeneca's premises in Lund. Medicon Village today offers a unique environment for life science by integrating research, innovation and entrepreneurship. With the foundation as the owner of Medicon Village, surplus from the operation goes back to research and innovation. By supporting the Lund Spring Symposium, the foundation wishes to promote international knowledge exchange between prominent researchers and at the same time position Skåne as a leading life science region.
AGB Pharma is a Swedish pharmaceutical company specializing in sleep disorders. Our mission is to promote good sleep health. Founded and situated in Lund with operations in Sweden, Norway, Denmark and United Kingdom we are a highly skilled organization aiming at expanding our business internationally and to raise awareness of sleep disorders and its impact on quality of life.
Why Lund Spring Symposium. AGB-Pharma is keen to build collaborations between academia and industry and is proud to support Lund Spring Symposium and contribute to this significant event.
Lund Spring Symposium är ett angeläget tillfälle att samla forskare och entreprenörer för att dela kunskap och erfarenhet med varandra som vi gärna stödjer. LMK-stiftelsen tror på den gränsöverskridande forskningen och dess möjligheter att bidra till lösningen på många av dagens och morgondagens problem. Vi stödjer därför många innovativa projekt som samlar forskare med olika ämnesbakgrund.
Sound Bioventures is a venture capital firm investing in about-to-be clinical and clinical stage private companies in Europe and the USA. We support the development of novel medicines that address significant unmet medical needs. Our head office is in Malmö, Sweden, 10 minutes from Lund, and with such a high quality conferences next door and right on target for what we do we, have chosen to be a sponsor.
The Lund Spring Symposium in May 2023, was a tour the force at the highest level, covering broad range topics from exciting basic biology to therapeutic R&D programs. As a pharmaceutical company placing innovation at focus, Lundbeck finds it essential to engage in the scientific and biopharma infrastructure in the region close to our main R&D site. We are therefore very much looking forward to another exciting symposium, at the wonderful venues at Lund University, another opportunity to build networks and learn from our Life sciences community.